Annie hopper program
Annie hopper program

annie hopper program

Below you will find both written and video testimonials of recovery. I am now setting about systematically gathering evidence of others who have recovered from POTS as a result of following the DNRS. I myself recovered from POTS by following the DNRS program. The DNRS program was later found to be effective, however, for those with POTS as well as MCS, thereby pointing to a possible shared neurological origin. The DNRS program was originally created by Annie Hopper to treat another neurological injury to the limbic system called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), a condition in which the smell centres of the brain (which are rooted in the limbic system) enter a state of chronic hyper vigilance following (usually) an initial dangerous chemical exposure. If it is correct that POTS is caused by a limbic system impairment, then a potentially effective treatment exists in the form of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), an intensive six month, neuroplasticity based, limbic system rehabilitation programme.

annie hopper program

As the limbic system is also the part of the brain which processes stimuli, the limbic system dysfunction theory can also explain why many POTS patients are sensitive to stimuli including light, sound and smell.

annie hopper program

I spell out why I believe limbic system dysfunction can cause all of these problems (and more) in detail in the book and on my Youtube channel. I believe that limbic system dysfunction is also responsible for many 'knock on' (or 'secondary') health effects on the body and that it can explain many aspects of pre-existing scientific research into POTS including: NET protein deficiency ( which is responsible for blood vessel constriction problems and resulting elevated heart rate upon standing), low aldosterone and poor sodium retention ( which are primarily responsible for low blood volume problems) and mast cell activation problems ( which are responsible for the excessive release of histamine in many POTS patients ). The traumas that lead to such a crisis state are varied and can include a viral illness, pregnancy, surgery or psychological trauma (or a combination of different kinds of trauma) - in short any kind of event that the autonomic nervous system might 'register' as traumatic. I argue that this neurological injury is best conceived of as a state of 'hard-wired crisis' following an antecedent trauma.

annie hopper program

The limbic system is the primitive 'flight or fight' part of the brain which is also the start of the entire autonomic nervous system. I argue the case for POTS being considered a form of neurological injury to the limbic system. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is currently defined as a ‘syndrome’, a collection of symptoms for which the root cause has not yet been identified.

Annie hopper program